Community: Advocacy
Greater Canyonlands Protection Bill in Utah Legislature
Terry Tempest Williams urged Utah lawmakers to get behind Senate Joint Resolution 10, which asks Congress and the President to protect the Greater Canyonlands area. Utah Public Radio, February 8, 2013. Also, an article in the Salt Lake Tribune.
Terry Tempest Williams Reads from When Women Were Birds on the Importance of a Woman's Right to Choose
Thirty-Year Plan, a New Book from Orion
In celebration of it's 30th anniversary, Orion has published Thirty Year Plan, a collection of thirty original essays from luminaries who are actively thinking and acting on sketching out an agenda of forward and thoughtful movement regarding the landscape of change pertaining to environmental issues. Terry has the final chapter in the book. Find out more here. Terry and Orion Editor Jennifer Sahn were interviewed about the new book on WAMC, Northeast Public Radio.
America's National Parks Versus Its Natural Resources
Read an article by Terry Tempest Williams with stunning black and white photographs by Sebastião Salgado in the April 2012 issue of Condé Nast Traveler.
Not Ours to Exploit
Read Terry Tempest Williams' column published in The Progressive magazine in April, 2012. Read excerpts from Terry's previous columns in The Progressive here.
- What Love Looks Like,
A conversation with Tim DeChristopher
by Terry Tempest Williams, published in the January/February 2012 issue of Orion magazine - The Community of Christ International Peace Award was presented in 2011 to Terry Tempest Williams in recognition of significant peacemaking vision, advocacy and action. Watch online here.
- "Arctic Refuge: A Circle of Testimony," a book published by Milkweed Editions in response to the call for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Painting, Robert Shetterly,
Americans Who Tell the Truth,
An excerpt from Terry's column in The Progessive magazine, September, 2011, on Tim DeChristopher's message is available online here.
Community: Affiliations
- Terry Tempest Williams is currently a member and on the Board of Directors of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.
- She is also a member and on the Board of Directors of the Compton Foundation.
- Terry is a contributing editor to Orion Magazine.
- Terry is a columnist in the paper edition of The Progressive Magazine (column does not appear on the online version of The Progressive.)
Community: Affinities
- Abbey's Web is dedicated to the life and work of author Edward Abbey.
- Article about Edward Abbey, "A Desert Anarchist's Legacy", 10 years gone.
- Alaska Wilderness League.
- Rachel Carson.
- The Murie Center.
- About Margaret (Mardy) Murie.
- Wallace Stegner Center for Land, Resources, and the Environment
- Writer, artist, and naturalist Ellen Meloy.
- Association for the Study of Literature and Environment.
- Fish Trap.
- Wilderness Net.
- Envirolink.
- Earth Island Institute.
- Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance.
- American Rivers.
- Utah Wilderness Coalition.
- McDowell Sonoran Land Trust.
- Utah Environmental Congress..
- Wild Rockies.
- Grand Canyon Trust.
Community: Awards and Honors
The Utne Reader named Terry Tempest Williams as one of their "Utne 100 Visionaries," in their words, "a person who could change your life."
She has been a fellow for the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (1997) and received a Lannan Literary Fellowship in Creative Nonfiction (1993).
In 1999, Ms. Williams received "The Spirit of the West" award from the Mountain-Plains Booksellers Association for Special Literary Achievement. She has also been recognized by the Mormon Arts & Letters Association and honored by Physicians for Social Responsibility for "distinguished contributions in literature, ecology, and advocacy for an environmentally sustainable world."
Terry Tempest Williams was the Shirley Sutton Thomas Visiting Professor of English at the University of Utah in 1999.
In 2000, Terry Tempest Williams visited the Center for the American West as a Distinguished Lecturer and received the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Writer's Award.
May 2, 2003, Terry Tempest Williams received an honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities from the University of Utah.
In 2004, Terry Tempest Williams became the first Annie Clark Tanner Fellow in Environmental Studies, a three-year appointment conferred by the Obert C. and Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center, in conjunction with the University of Utah, College of Humanities. In this capacity, she will facilitate a series of naturalist lectures, similar to Henry DavidThoreau's 19th century Lyceum Lectures, and will teach an annual course in nature and writing within the setting of Utah's red rock country.
In May, 2004, Terry Tempest Williams was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree by Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC).
Terry Tempest Williams was the recipient of the 2005 Wallace Stegner Award by the Center for the American West.
Named for one of the founders of The Wilderness Society, the Robert Marshall Award is The Wilderness Society’s highest honor given to a private citizen. In September 2006 it was awarded to Terry Tempest Williams. In 2006, Terry Tempest Williams also received the Distinguished Achievement Award from the Western American Literature Association.
In 2009, Terry Tempest Williams was featured in Ken Burns' PBS series on the national parks
She is also the recipient of the 2010 David R. Brower Conservation Award for activism.
The Community of Christ International Peace Award was presented in 2011 to Terry Tempest Williams in recognition of significant peacemaking vision, advocacy and action.